
Key Product Highlights


We can provide a more economical approach to customers who integrate spring stampings into other components

One Stop Shop

We are a one stop shop for customers whose springs must be incorporated into larger or more complex assemblies, or subassemblies, prior to final application.

More Than Springs

PCS can provide turnkey assemblies consisting of all of our products, not just our springs


Cost-effective to consider sub-assembly at point of spring manufacture

Variety of Materials

All alloys and wire sizes from our flagship and custom products can be used to create a fully custom assembly

Custom Configurations

Combine springs, wire forms, flat forms, stampings, shafts, tubing, seals, bearings, and general machined components

Real-World Applications

Examples include: extension springs with plugged ends, rod clips with locking features, and blind nut plate assemblies.



We most commonly use the following types of alloys in our flagship and custom products: carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, nickel-based, cobalt-based, copper-based, and titanium. To view our full materials list, click on the click below.

View Materials List


Examples of our Assemblies